Chipmunk ready for Mountain Lion
Jul/20/12 10:38 PM
Hi, I posted a quick update for Chipmunk that is signed with my official Developer ID. This means you can use it running Mountain Lion with the standard settings:
Also I dropped the Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard compatibility. This version needs Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.
No other changes were made so I called it version and there will be no App Store version of this.
Have fun and happy upgrading to Mountain Lion! (It’s worth it!)
Chipmunk 1.5.4
Mar/16/12 02:43 PM
The beta release I gave you last week is now a release! It’s submitted to the App Store and but for those of you with a license code you can download it here or update via the in-app updater. Have fun!
This is what I wrote last week regarding the changes:
I fixed a few small things. The result table is now navigable when QuickLook is open and I removed /home and /net paths. I will drop Leopard-compatability with one of the next releases. 32-bit support has to go too. So I put a few preparations into that release to ease the transition. This release is still compatible to Leopard and 32-bit though!
Thanks and Best Regards
Chipmunk 1.5.3
Sep/30/11 12:37 PM
I removed a crash that was found by the App Store review team, thanks for that!
Get the non-App Store version here or via in-app updater.
Best Regards
Chipmunk 1.5.1
Feb/18/11 01:38 PM
I removed two crashes that were bugging people. Sorry for that! The AppStore version got 32bit support, which was mysteriously absent and I added the crash reporter that was only in the non-App Store version. I was not sure, if Apple would reject apps containing a crash reporter. It turned out they don’t, so it’s back in.
Get the non-App Store version here or via in-app updater.
Best Regards
Chipmunk in the App Store
Jan/08/11 07:04 PM
Chipmunk is in the App Store!
After being rejected in between and a resubmit I was happy to see that Chipmunk is in the App Store. Check it out, if you haven’t bough a license at Share*It (or don’t want to)
App Store link
After being rejected in between and a resubmit I was happy to see that Chipmunk is in the App Store. Check it out, if you haven’t bough a license at Share*It (or don’t want to)
App Store link